Llandaff  50+

at The Pound, 2 Cathedral Close, Llandaff, CF5 2ED

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Committee and Patrons




The Pound

Llandaff 50+ is a registered charity to promote social inclusion among the over 50s in Llandaff by the provision of facilities for social interaction, recreation and opportunities for volunteering at The Pound.


A new activity is Tuesday Chat and Relax.  Come along 2-4pm to have a natter with old friends, or meet new ones.  You may wish to have a game of scrabble, or bring along your own crafts.  You can share your favourite jigsaw, or just the local gossip, in a warm space with a nice cup of tea.  On the second Tuesday of the month, Iain from AbilityNet, can help you with any IT problems, so bring along your phone, tablet or laptop.  It costs just £2 and you can turn up whenever you fancy it.

If you are interested in any of our organised activities: Tai Chi; Watercolour Painting, Wednesday Talks and Social, Yoga and History Group, please email us and we will send you an application form.  We also have many volunteering opportunities available and are seeking people to join our management teams, contact us for more information.  Or you can talk to our Heritage Room Volunteers on a Saturday 2-4pm, and find out more.

One of the aims of The Pound is to provide an eco-friendly building with low running costs and near zero carbon footprint to facilitate activities and volunteering for the elderly.  View the fly-through of the building by our architects.

Working with Downs Merrifield Architects, Severn Wye Agency and Welsh Government, the building, which is the size of a small bungalow, is an exemplar for sustainability for all domestic refurbishment and conversions.  There are solar slates and panels, rainwater harvesting, triple-glazing, heat exchanger and an air source heat pump.

Local contractors, A&N Lewis worked throughout the covid pandemic to convert the building from a derelict toilet block.  This followed an extended community archaeological dig led by Dr Tim Young of GeoArch.  

We are part of the Cardiff West Neighbourhood Partnership, managed by Cardiff Council. We are also a member of Cardiff and Vale Ageing Well Network, managed by Public Health Wales. We work closely with Age Connects (Cardiff and the Vale), Age Cymru, and the Cardiff Council 50+ Network.

Get in touch with us on info@llandaff50plus.com to join our mailing list and hear about our plans.

Registered charity no. 1176165